кратко из историифотографии The RasmusТексты песен и их переводы на русский языкучастники клубаДля V.I.P. гостей :)для постоянных V.I.P. гостей :)))о тех кто следит за порядком...

Переводы песен и текстов.

Все переводы и тексты были присланы нам нашими гостями, фанатами, а некоторые переводы администраторами. Читайте и наслаждайтесь :))

В моей жизни [In my life]
Чувствую тепло под моими ногами
Я должен идти, нет времени на сон.
Не могу поверить в те вещи, которые ты говоришь,
Я поворачиваю голову и ухожу прочь
Ты делаешь меня больным, ты делаешь меня нервным.

Пришли времена, когда ты скажешь
В тот самый день, который я вижу,
Пришли времена для честности
Моя победа -твоё поражение
Как же ты не видишь, что ты ошибалась!

В моей жизни , я сказал и это всё меняет
Как я , кто я, кого люблю.
На своём пути я силён и это всё меняет
В моей жизни, я решил, я решил, я решил!

Я решил!
Я решил!

Всё, что ты делаешь, не отрицай, -
-Это бесполезная трата времени ( это бесполезная трата времени)
И вот я думаю: что же ты вкладываешь
В что-то большее, чем безнадёжный покой
Знаешь, правда закончилась.


Это тебе решать, продолжать ли нам, х2
Это тебе решать, остановимся ли мы

Это тебе решать, продолжать ли нам, продолжать ли,
Это тебе решать, остановимся ли мы
Это тебе решать, продолжать ли нам, продолжать,
Это тебе решать
Это тебе решать....

Запись показывает, затем ты решаешься, не живёшь ты всё ещё,
Всё время ты даешь краски своей тусклости
И сейчас есть шанс закрепить твою плохую позицию
И двигаться, это тебе решать
Это тебе решать, продолжать ли нам, продолжать,
Это тебе решать, продолжать ли нам, продолжать,
Это тебе решать
Тебе решать


Перевод прислан: mandarina, thumb_tack@mail.ru

Виновный [Guilty]

Я чувствую себя виновным,
Мои слова пусты,
Нет знаков , которые я мог бы тебе оказать,
Нет на тебя времени
Ты говоришь я бессердечный.
И ты говоришь, мне всё равно
Я имел обыкновение быть здесь для тебя
И ты говорила, я кажусь таким мёртвым, я поменялся
Но и ты тоже!

Виновный (о-о-о). Я чувствую себя виновным.
Опустошённый, опустошённый, ты знаешь как сделать , чтобы я это чувствовал.

Я положил щит на тебя,
Я не хотел причинить тебе боль,
Я хотел только отравить твой разум
Никогда не хотел сделать тебя плачущей.

Ты была такой беспечной
Я мог видеть правильную сторону благодаря тебе
Ты обычно была здесь для меня
Так ты не покинешь, скажешь прощай
Потому что ты поменялась, но и я тоже.


Я никогда не думал в то время и на той дистанции,
На которой между нами становилось очень холодно,
Что буду тоскать мир на своих плечах.

Перевод прислан: mandarina,thumb_tack@mail.ru

Не такая как другие девушки [Not like the other girls]

Больше нет вины, я предназначен чтобы оберегать тебя
Я должен спасти пламя
Я должен спасти пламя в твоём сердце

Больше не будет крови, я буду там для тебя, моя любовь
Я буду рядом с тобой
Мир отказался от моей девочки

Я должен был видеть, что будет так
Я должен был с самого начала знать что с случится
Когда ты любишь, и теряешь кого-то
Тогда ты знаешь что чувствуешь потеряв

Она исчезает
Из этого мира
Уплывает, как перо
Она не такая как другие девушки
Она живёт в облаках
Она разговаривает с птицами
И никакой маленькой надежды
Она не такая как другие девушки

Больше не будет стыдно, она чувствовала столько боли, в своей жизни
И в уме она повторяет слова
Вся любовь которую ты подаришь возвр<атится к тебе

Я должен был видеть, что будет так
Я должен был с самого начала знать что с случится
Когда ты любишь, и теряешь кого-то
Тогда ты знаешь что чувствуешь потеряв

Она исчезает
Из этого мира
Уплывает, как перо
Она не такая как другие девушки
Она живёт в облаках
Она разговаривает с птицами
И никакой маленькой надежды
Она не такая как другие девушки

Перевод прислан: Vikerrra, v-1909@yandex.ru

Та, которую люблю [The one I love]

Не спал на этой неделе,
Моя кровать стала моим гробом.
Не могу дышать, не могу говорить.
Моя голова, как бомба, ожидает.
Возьми моё сердце, возьми мою душу-
- Мне они больше не нужны.


Та, которую люблю Сваливает меня с ног на колени.
Та, которую люблю
Рисует меня в моих снах.
Та, которую люблю
Снова и снова
Затягивает меня.

Гипнотизирован ночью.
Безмолвно встают передо мной
Пустота, небытиё.
Прожигается дыра внутри меня.
Возьми мою веру и возьми мою гордость-
-Они мне больше не нужны.


Эта кровать стала моей каменной часовней,
Сад тьмы, куда я брошен
Так возьми мою жизнь! Она мне больше не нужна!

Перевод прислан: mandarina, thumb_tack@mail.ru

Время гореть [Time to burn]

Боязнь темноты разрывает меня порознь.
Не оставляй меня одного, время идёт очень быстро.
Ещё только одна жизнь, я так нездоров и устал
От играющего блюза и ты переворачиваешь мою жизнь.

Давай! Давай!


Скажи мне, почему я чувствую это.
Всю мою жизнь я стоял на грани
Слишком много мостов сгорело, слишком много лжи я слышал.
Была жизнь, но не могу вернуться, не могу это сделать
Знаю, что будет то же самое
И я знаю, я не смогу; есть немного времени, чтобы сгореть.


Они следуют за мной домой, тревожат мой сон,
Но я искал место,
Место, где они не могут меня найти.
Может быть, я потерялся, может мне страшно,
Много раз, я закрывался дверьми передо мной.


Оставь это всё перед, пересеки грань
У лица правды нет времени


Скажи мне, почему я чувствую это.
Всю мою жизнь я стоял на грани
Слишком много мостов сгорело, слишком много лжи я слышал.
Была жизнь, но не могу вернуться, не могу это сделать
Знаю, что будет то же самое
Не могу идти, проклятье, я знаю, не могу, есть время сгореть.

Скажи мне, почему я чувствую это.
Всю мою жизнь я стоял на грани
Слишком много мостов сгорело, слишком много лжи я слышал.
Была жизнь, но не могу вернуться, не могу это сделать
Это больше никогда не будет прежним
И я знаю, у меня нет времени,

Прислала перевод: mandarina, thumb_tack@mail.ru

Time to burn (др. версия)

Время сжигать мосты

Страх тьмы разрывает меня на части,
Не оставляй меня одного, время бежит.

Просто еще одна жизнь,
Я так болен и устал
От пения блюзов, мне следовало бы изменить свою жизнь.

Скажи мне, почему я чувствую это,
Всю мою жизнь я был на грани !
Слишком много мостов сожжено
Слишком много лжи услышано
У меня была жизнь, но нет пути назад
Я не могу сделать этого, это никогда не сможет стать прежним
И я знаю у меня нет времени сжигать мосты

Они следят за мной, нарушая мой покой,
Но я найду место, место где они не смогут меня найти.
Может быть я заблудился и может быть я напуган,
Но слишком часто я захлопывал двери позади себя.


Оставь все позади,
Переступи через черту,
Посмотри правде в глаза, нет времени...
Нет времени сжигать мосты !

Припев Х2

Перевод от: Superb, shadowad6@hotmail.com

Funeral Song
Похоронная песня

Я бросил тебя опять,
Я не понимаю
Это случилось,
Я не могу пережить это еще раз.

Эти глупые игры
Всегда заканчиваются неразберихой.
Я верну тебя
Только для того, чтобы однажды оставить опять.


Я умер в своих снах,
Что бы это значило ?
Я исчез в огне.
Я умер в своих снах,
Протягивая руку к твоей руке,
Мое роковое желание !

Я упустил тебя опять,
Потому что позволил тебе остаться.
Я привык делать вид,
Что все хорошо.

Еще одна ложь,
Какая превосходная иллюзия !
Я делаю тебя своей,
Только для того, чтобы ранить однажды опять !


Перевод от: Superb, shadowad6@hotmail.com

Обратно в эпизод [Back in the picture]

 Были времена в моей жизни,

 когда я стоял на коленях,

 теперь - нет!

 Глубоко внутри моего сердца я знаю Проще говоря, 

я был ударен в спину, до сих пор помню. 

И глубоко внутри это больно отпустить.


 Обратно в эпизод х2 

Чудо, которое было так долго, так долго

Обратно в эпизод х2 Чудо,

 которое было так долго, так долго

Посвящаю всё, что я делаю моим друзьям, 

за которых бы я умер.

 Но ты всегда будешь той единственной. 

Воспоминания те, которые ты не можешь повторить; 

воспоминания, которые мог желать. 

Я думал, что всегда был до этого в движении. 


Были времена в моей жизни, когда я стоял на коленях, теперь - нет! Глубоко внутри моего сердца я знаю+ Припев.

Прислала перевод: mandarina, thumb_tack@mail.ru

Тексты песен с альбома Dead letters

First day of my life

Feel like I'm stoned
wanna be alone, just for a while, unknown
Weeks on the road a long way from home
just shut off the phone

And you say I'll heal you,
I'll always be yours
and you say I'll kill you if I do something wrong
yeah, yeah, yeah ,yeah, yeah, yeah

Still feels like the first time
to stand here by your side
together regardless
we'll walk through the darkness
Still fells like the first day of my life

Remember the times
together we swore, never give up this life
still hanging on, still going strong
here I belong

And maybe I'm crazy
but I just can't slow down
And maybe I'm crazy
but at least I'm still around
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Still feels like the first time
to stand here by your side
together regardless
we'll walk through the darkness
Still fells like the first day of my life

Feels like the first day of my life,
(feels like the first day)
Still feels like the first day of my life

Still feels like the first time
to stand here by your side
together regardless
we'll walk through the darkness
Still feels like the first day of my
still feels like the first day of my
still feels like the first day of my life

In the shadows

No sleep
No sleep until I'm done with finding the answer
Won't stop
Won't stop before I find the cure for this cancer

Sometimes I feel like going down, I'm so disconnected
Somehow I know that I am haunted to be wanted

I've been watching, I've been waiting
In the shadows for my time
I've been searching, I've been living
For tomorrows all my life

They say that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe
But I, I'd rather kill myself than turn into their slave

Sometimes I feel that I should go and play with the thunder
Somehow I just don't wanna stay and wait for a wonder

I've been watching, I've been waiting
In the shadows for my time
I've been searching, I've been living
For tomorrows all my life

Lately, I've been walking, walking in circles
Watching, waiting for something
Feel me, touch me, heal me
Come take me higher

I've been watching, I've been waiting
In the shadows for my time
I've been searching, I've been living
For tomorrows all my life

I've been watching, I've been waiting
I've been searching, I've been living
For tomorrows all my life

Still standing

i wish you were here tonight with me to see the northern lights
i wish you were here tonight with me
i wish i could have you by my side tonight when the sky is burning
i wish i could have you by my side

cause i've been down and i've been crawling
won't back down no more

can't you stop the lies falling from the skies
down on me,i'm still standing
can't you roll the dice,i might be surprised
conscience clear i'm still standing here

burns like a thousand stars,though you're light years away
burns like a thousand stars or more

you're up there,you're always with me
smiling down on me

it's something sacred,something so beatiful
something quiet to ease my mind
when the pressure's taking me over and over

cause i've been down and i've been crawling
pushed around,always falling
you're up there,you're always with me
smiling down on me

In My Life

Feel the heat below my feet
I have to go, no time to sleep
Can’t believe the things you say
I turn my head and walk away
You make me sick – you make me nervous

Times had come when you would say
This is the one and sees the day
Times had come for honesty
My victory is your defeat
Can’t you see you’ve been mistaken

In my life, I’d say and it turns me on,
How I am, how I am, who I am
In my way I’ve been strong and it turns my on
In my life, I decide, I decide

I decide

I decide

All you do you can’t deny
It’s waste of time (It’s waste of time)
Can I suggest that you invest
In something more than hopeless rest
Before you know the right is over

In my life, I’d say and it turns me on,
How I am, how I am, who I am
In my way I’ve been strong and it turns my on
In my life, I decide, I decide

It’s up to you if we give it up
It’s up to you if we won’t stop
It’s up to you if we give it up
It’s up to you if we won’t stop

It’s up to you if we give it up, give it up
It’s up to you if we won’t stop
It’s up to you if we give it up, give it up
It’s up to you
It’s up to you...

The record shows that you dare, don’t you’re still living
Every time you have dye to your pale given
And now the chance to fix your bad attitude
And make it move - it's up to you

It’s up to you if we give it up, give it up
It’s up to you if we give it up, give it up
It’s up to you
It’s up to you

Give it up
Give it up
Give it up
Give it up

Give it up
Give it up
Give it up
Give it up

Time to burn

Come on!

Fear of the dark, tears me apart
Won't leave me alone, time keeps running out
Just one more life, i'm so sick and tired
of singґn the blues, as you turn my life around

Come on! Come on!

Tell me why do i feel this way
All my life i was standing on the borderline
To many preaches burnt, to many lies i've heard
Had a life but i can't go back, can't do that
Know it be the same again
And i know i don't, have any time to burn

Come on!

They follow me home, disturbing my sleep
But i've found a place
A place where they can not find me
Maybe i'm lost, maybe iґm scared
The to many times, i'm closed the doors behind me

Tell me why do i feel this way, all my life
I was standing on the borderline
To many preaches burnt, to many lies iґve heard
Had a life but i canґt go back, canґt do that
Know it be the same again
And i know i donґt have any time to burn

Leave it all behind, cross the borderline
Face the truth don't have any time to

Tell me why do i feel this way
All my life i was standing on the borderline
To many preaches burnt, to many lies i've heard
Had a life but i can't go back, can't do that
Know it be the same again
Can not go cus i know i donґt, have any time to burn

Tell me why do i feel this way
All my life i was standing on the borderline
To many preaches burnt, to many lies iґve heard

Had a life, but i can't go back, can't do that
It will never be the same again
And i know i don't have any time to

Come on!


I feel guilty
my words are empty
no signs to give you
i don't have the time for you

you say i'm heartless
and you say i don't care
i used to be there for you
and you've said i seem so dead, that i have changed
but so have you

guilty, guilty i feel so
empty, empty you know how to make me feel

i put a shield upon you
i didn't mean to hurt you
i would have only poisoned your mind
never meant to make you cry

you've been so toughtless
i can see right through you
you used to be there for me
so don't you leave say goodbye
cause you have changed but so have i

i never though that the time and the distance
between us made you so much colder
i'll carry the world on my shoulders

Not like the other girls

no more blame i am destined to keep you save
gotta rescue the flame
gotta rescue the flame in your heart

no more blood, i will be there for you my love
i will stand by your side
the world has forsaken my girl

i should have seen it would be this way
i should have known from the start what she's up to
when you've loved and you've lost someone
you know what it feels like to lose

she's fading away
away from this world
drifting like a feather
she's not like the other girls
she lives in the clouds
she talks to the birds
hopeless little one
she's not like the other girls

no more shame, she has felt too much pain, in her life
in her mind she's repeating the words
all the love you put out will return to you

The one I love

Haven't slept in a week
My bed has become my coffin
Cannot breath, cannot speak
My head's like a bomb, still waiting
Take my heart and take my soul
I don't need them anymore

The one I love
Is striking me down on my knees
The one I love
Drowning me in my dreams
The one I love
Over and over again
Dragging me under

Hypnotized by the night
Silently rising beside me
Emptiness, nothingness
Is burning a hole inside me
Take my faith and take my pride
I don't need them anymore

The one I love
Is striking me down on my knees
The one I love
Drowning me in my dreams
The one I love
Over and over again
Dragging me under

This bed has become my chapel of stone
A garden of darkness to where I'm thrown
So take my life, I don't need it anymore

Back in the picture

There were times in my life I was down on my knees, now it's over
Deep inside my heart I know
Simply put I've been stabbed in the back ever since I remember
And deep inside it hurt to let go

Back in the picture (x2)
Wonder what took so long, so long
Back in the picture (x2)
Wonder what took so long, so long

Dedicate everything I create to my friends I would die for
But you will always be the one
Memories that you can't overrun, memories I could cry for
I thought I'd always be on the run

Back in the picture (x2)
Wonder what took so long, so long
Back in the picture (x2)
Wonder what took so long, so long

There were times in my life I was down on my knees, now it's over
Deep inside my heart I know

Funeral Song

I dumped you again
I don't understand
It's happened before
can't take it no more

These foolish games
Always end up in confusion
I'll take you back
Just to leave you once again

I died in my dreams
What's that supposed to mean?
Got lost in the fire
I died in my dreams
reaching out for your hand
My fatal desire

I've failed you again
'cause I let you stay
I used to pretend
that I felt ok

Just one big lie
Such a perfect illusion
I made you mine
Just to leave you once again

I died in my dreams..

И другие тексты:


There were times in my life I was down on my knees, now it's over.

Deep inside my heart I know.

Simply put I've been stabbed in the back ever since I remember.

Deep inside it hurt to let go. 

I'm back in the picture.

I wonder what took so long, so long. 

Dedicate everything I create

to my friends I would die for.

But you will always be the one.

Memories that you can't overrun, memories I could cry for.

I thought I'd always be on the run.


I think I should go

and leave you alone

stop this game

and hang up the phone...and more


I should go into the night alone

and get inside of the cyclone

it's like I wanted to break my bones

you can't turn me...

and if I stay...I'm number two... anyway!

like a bullet you can hurt me

take me, break me

like fire you can burn me

you can't turn me

like a bullet you can hurt me 

you say there is so many things

going on in your life now

it's so very hard to find time for me

and you say... 

do you believe in the destiny?

this is the way it was meant to be

I gotta leave to make you see

you don't earn me...

and if I stay... I'm number two...anyway! 

like abullet you can hurt me

take me, break me

like fire you can burn me

you can't turn me

like a bullet you can hurt me 

I can't believe it when my friends say

take it easy don't you worry about the rainy days

like fire you can burn me

you don't earn me

like a bullet you can hurt me 

maybe I'm blind

forever young

don't get me wrong

I don't belong here... 

like fire you can burn me...

like a bullet you can hurt me 


Follow me, come on, you know me.

Yeah, n' to the blue.

I?ll wake you up.

When the morning comes a desert cup of coffee with milk.

Right? I'll dress you up n' tight up your shoes.

I?ll wish you luck, at least I can do.

crawling n' never looking back won't loose your smile

thought your life is a mess.

The pressure's like a knife in your back.

What can you do when your life is turning into black?

Grab my hand, follow me thought I?m sinking. Into a sea.

Where fish don't ever sleep.

I solved my case, by the way I've been thinking.

My mind is resting in the blue, my mind is resting?! the sea.

I'll pick you up n' till get you down to the toen.

If you have any spare time relax today nothing's ruling you.

I'll take you out, it's the least I can do.

Once again you turn your back.

I wonder why to make yourself to do that no one can bear living in a trap.

What can you do, when your world is turning back?


Dying os laughter but you know the answer

Who'll be the one

To finally stand up and take a chance

'cause life's just begun

and i don't need the tv, i don't need the shotgun

i don't have to run i can reach you

i follow the feelings just swallow the meaning

i don't have to run if i need you, i can reach you 

i'll do what i feel like, hevy

can't stop me now

i'll do what i feel, hevy

can't stop me now

i'll do what i feel 

don't need to rule ya i don't have to fool ya

nothing can pull back and reach you from here

swallow the shotgun to show you the meaning

i don't wan't to deal with the feeling of fear 

aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh .. 

i own my clown the only one

ill be alone and from now on 

and i don't need the tv i don't need the shootgun

i'll do what i feel like

i follow the feeling just swallow the meaning 


I gotta make a phone call to my best friends

I gotta let them know that I'm leaving

everything behind me and politely

I don't wanna hurt their feelings (oh no) 

I'll need to come back and I wanna explain

why I had to leave them sleeping

the answers in the air but I really don't care

'cos I couldn't really keep on breathing the smoke 

and every time when painted my room

like a fool I hid my feelings

and every time when I painted my room

I thought about leaving

(make a move come along) 

you roll like a stone girl you should not stop

and I don't wanna step on your feet

you do what you do to stay on the top

I don't wanna make you feel incomplete 

and every time when I... 

in the end of the day

I don't know what to say

in the end of the day

I'll be flying away 


you landed in time

in the city of the dead

how was your floght?

i'm glad that we met

ain't gonna wait 'til the day dejection comes

ain't gonna waist my y?time with the pityful ones (here) 

you know that i'm kind

that i like to pretend

that everything's fine

that the rain is my friend

don't give a damn about fame if i gotta have a gun

ain't gonna like myself before i get something done (here) 

i want to believe

i proceed with my choice

it's getting harder to breath

i'm losing my voice 

oh yeah! never mind th ethings they might have said

we're living in the city of the dead


Groove it up, it s friday night

time to have some fun, allright.

to know what s up, I gotta reach

n  pick up the phone.

yeah the answer s always Mick

my favourite band is having a gig.

what could be better idea, than to go to the club 

Listen to me boy you have to be

18 to get inside!

n  there will be no talk about

exceptions this time. 

Damn that I wanna see this band

I ll be good, you understand. this is

a moment of my life, that I can t

let go. I m steeling in, it always

works. Yeah I know how to

bluff those jerks. I can t

hide my wide smile, when I

think of his words.

i know that you would come, i know you

welcome to my kingdom,

some days are cold like ice in here

don't have to sleep at night, you don't have to

you don't have to close your eyes,

'cause some days are dark like the nights in here

i get this feeling, i get this feeling every time

i don't know, i don't know what to do? where to go

make it right, can you stay for the night?

days in a maze, full of flames. what to do? where to go?

i don't know when the clouds fill the sky 

keep staring at the sea, keep staring

there's so much misery for the tidal waves to wash away

i get this feeling, i get this feeling every time

i don't know. i don't know what to do? where to go

make it right, can you stay for the night?

days in a maze, full of flames. what to do? where to go?

i don't know when the clouds fill the sky 

it's something deeper it's something defence.

so let's pretend that the end is not coming yet.

time is not running get into the shadows

and we can be friends now and forever.

i get this feeling i get this feeling

i get this feeling every time


Funk the neighbourhood

rock your body to the

kinky beat we do

one more time

baby don't you slap me

and if you got to make it snappy

your reason to feel happy

don't you lose control

you don't like me somehow

girl get your self together

you won't live forever

i will change your mind 

gotta get on

to get along tomorrow

better fight now 

baby don't get tricky

i ain't gonna play your mother

ain't gonna play your father

i don't care that much

though i'm concerned the way

you don't even bother

to think about the others

i love your touch

We get along it's like magig has come between us

we did it first and now everybody's gotta learn to survive

gotta learn to stay alive

now you say you just needed to stay away

now you say that you're blowing your self away,

i know well what you mean when you tell me

we're running out of credit

everyday i will see you anyway

and i wanna do something about it

 we regognice the lies, nothing can stop us now

we have a blast with the most ridicilous stories

laughing's keeping us alive

and you know that's not a lie

now you say don't even smile if you follow me,

i see you're not joking for the first time

i know well what you mean when you tell me

we're running out of credit 

i know well that the time has come when

everything's been said and done

we'll maybe just shouldn't give up OH YEAH!

(respect the fidelity)


Tired of being seen as a bird in the cage

Tired of being heard what I did last week

Obviously you want to beat me

Cause every time when I fall you re the first to reveal me 

Live for yourself instead

Do me a favour

Feed your empty head

You drive me close to the edge 

Everything you say you say it to annoy me

Watching every move I make whenever I m around

Everything you do you do it to destroy me

Waiting for my darkest hour to put me down 

Try to scratch on the surface   this is all you can see

If I told you the truth you would not understand me

Feed your empty head

Do me a favour

Live for yourself instead

You drive me close to the edge 

Everything you say 


You drive me close to the edge

You drive me close to the edge


I feel like a stone, I wanna be alone.

Just for a while, oh no.

Weeks on a road, long way from home. 

But you say, I'll heal you.

I'll always beyond.

And you say, I'll kill you.

If I do something wrong. 


Still feels like the first time,

to stand here by your side.

together we're guardless(/Godless?)

We walk through the darkness.

Still feels like the first day of my life. 

Remember the times, together we swore.

Never give up this fight.

Still hanging on, still going strong.. 

But maybe, I'm crazy.

and lost in my head.

Maybe I'm lazy. 

[chorus] (x2) 


As i don't go to school every monday.

i've got my reason to sleep.

don't you tell me how i should be.

i made up my mind about the music.

i made up my mind about the style.

i know that i'm stable and able to settle down.

but i keep 


Down with the sun.

I can?t give it up

the night is calling me like a drum. 

this life is so full of temptation

and i want to keep it that way.

i know myself i can handle the game.

i made up my mind about the future

i made up my mind about the past.

i know i?m stable and able to settle down

but i keep 


i need a flame, i need a spark.

don't be afraid to open my heard.

i need a game, i need a shock.

don't be afraid my heard is unlocked


I dumped you again.

I don't understand.

It's happened before.

Can't take it no more. 

These foolish games.

Always end up in confusion.

I'll take you back

just to leave you once again. 

I died in my dreams.

What's that supposed to mean?

Got lost in the fire.

I died in my dreams.

Reaching out for your hand

my fatal desire. 

I've failed you again.

'Cause I let you stay.

I used to pretend

that I felt OK. 

Just one big lie.

Such a perfect illusion.

I made you mine.

Just to hurt you once again.


So hard to get that dog is dead

'n' lying feet to the roof on my friend's bed.

we called an ambulance without any reason

'n' told the man it was... yeah!

Funky time!

It was the best thing on that boring Saturday

while we made plans what we're gonna do that day.

My friend's dog little Muffy got a heart attack.

It was real but we both just laughed at that.

It took some time to get that dog was dead

'n' lying feet to the roof on my friend's bed.

We called an ambulance without any reason

'n' told the man it was dog hunting season.

The man screamed, I guess he felt some pain in chest.

He left up but I think that was best.

'n' allthought we got two bodies in the house

these guys are ready to get of the most guys.

We left the house 'n' the dog 'n' the New York

'n' left back just bad, bad, bad talk.

Like I told we took off those two guys.



I feel guilty.

My words are empty.

No signs to give you.

I don't have the time for you.

 You say I'm heartless.

And you say I don't care.

I used to be there for you.

And you've said I seem so dead, that I have changed.

But so have you.

 Guilty, guilty I feel so

Empty, empty you know how to make me feel.

 I put a shield upon you.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

You used to be there for me.

So don't you leave say goodbye.

Cause you have changed but so have I.

 I never though that the time and the distance.

Between us made you so much colder.

I'll carry the world on my shoulders


 well anyway it's a long story.

she's been waiting for so long.

still got the songs in her mind

and the autograph on the photograph.

she's got a past full of secrets.

she's got a clock on her feelings.

back from the days when she used to.

have wings.

she had a dream full of anger.

she had a dream full of action.

afraid to get old she feels cold.

such a typical reaction.

 oh yeah, oh yeah,

she wanted to be a heartbreaker

oh yeah,

she was so greedy but lousy lovemaker.

oh yeah, oh yeah,

she wanted to be a heartbreaker.

oh yeah 

she used to be the queen of the scene.

she had a key but she lost it.

nothing's gotta last and the time goes fast-

she knows.

she had a man but she messed it up again.

she had a chance but she blew it.

she's gotta little babyboy in her womb.

but she doesn't have a clue yet.

 striking her down.

crushing her to the ground.

heartbreaker, heartbreaker, heartbreaker.... 


is there anybody who can help me sing? 

don't let me down I refuse to belive that you are outdated by your friends so

you don't wanna make anyone feel sorry for a girl who survives in the world this

time it's not the same thing 'cos were not gonna leave the room before you talk

just open your mouth 'n let 

the words come out 'n say goodbye to the devils inside you I got myself in this

mess 'cos I

love you I ain't gonna give (it) up, 'cos I love you so did you have a bad day

yeaterday, OK you never complain 'n you never say no, never say yes yes yoo you

stand the pain like a man and see what's inside you just like me every move that

you make what do you say I

think we've got something to talk about I got myself in this mess 'cos I love

you I ain't gonna

give it up 'cos I love you so when Ithought it was me who's having a rough time

, I don't feel

bad when I see you everybody goes down once in a while, gives everything up to

the good just open your mouth 'n let the words come out 'n say goodbye to the

devils inside you I got myself in this mess 'cos I love you I ain't gonna give

(it) up 'cos

I love you so.



a I see you try to awoid me you ain't so friendly cold like ice,

I can see, what that means.

Let me explane first, why I haven't been around,

I'll let you know, why I haven't seen you. Everyday.

I've been busy with the band, if you know what that means.

I heard you're talking things about me, building barrigades around me.

o real friendship, wasn't real at all it seems.

n' if it's so, that you're talking shit behind my back,

I'll let you know, I can fight back in the cruelest way,

so I'm asking for peace.

If you know what that means.

You wanna say something to me, come n' say something to me.

What is wrong with you may I ask?

Say it again, IF you want to depress me, say it again, go ahead, I feel nothing




No sleep, no sleep until I'm done with finding the answer.

Won't stop, won't stop before I find a cure for this cancer.

Sometimes I feel like going down and so is connented.

Somehow I know that I'm hunted to be wanted.



I've been watching, I've been waiting,

in the shadows, for my time.

I've been searching, I've been living,

for tomorrows, all my life.


In the Shadows... (x2)


They say.. that I must learn to kill before I can feel safe.

But I... I'd rather kill myself than turn into their slave..

Sometimes I feel like I should go and play with the thunder.

Somehow I just don't wanna stay and wait for a wonder.




Lately I've been walking, walking in circles.

Watching, waiting for something.

Feel me, touch me,

heal me, come take me higher...




I've been watching, I've been waiting,

I've been searching, I've been living

for tomorrows.


In the shadows... (x2)


I've been waiting...






Feel the heat below my feet

I have to go no time to sleep

Can't believe the things you say

Turn my head and walk away

You make me sick you make me nervous

Times are gone when you would say

This is the one and seize the day

Times are gone for honesty

"My victory is your defeat"

Oh can't you see you've been mistaken


In my life i decide and it turns me on

How i am, how i live, who i love

In my way i feel strong

And it turns me on

In my life, i decide, i decide


All you do, you can't deny it,

It's waste of time, waste of life

Can i suggest that you invest in something more than hopelessness

Before you know the ride is over


It's up to you if you give it up, give it up

I't's up to you if you wont stop


The record shows that you're dead but you're still living

Every time you have died you have been given

Another chance to fix your bad attitude

And make a movie, it's up to you





Darling stop confusing me

With your wishful thinking

Hopeful embraces

Don't you understand?

I have to go through this

I belong to here where

No-one cares and no-one loves

No light no air to live in

A place called hate


The city of fear


I play dead

It stops the hurting

I play dead

And the hurting stops


It's sometimes just like sleeping

Curling up inside my private tortures

I nestle into pain

Hug suffering 

caress every ache 

I play dead,

It stops the hurting

It all started up when I was fighting with a cop.

At least I could stop. I guess I couldn?t stop.

Hey, I?m in the voice now ?n? you have only one choice.

I will make you choose my, my, my, my, my stooooory.

No, I?m not fading, not even hesitanding.

Still I ?m gonna say,

if you would say that this is law ?n? you better obey me,

I?m gonna teach you. 

Shut up! Or else I gonna spit you to the face.

Shut up! Or else I gonna treat you like a cop.

Kick you to the head, as long as you are dead.

My dick says "swing",

when you hit me with that black thing. Go. 

Making love is a waste of the time. 

Let me make you see this case from my side.

We ain?t here for any trouble,

can you break a bubble bam, bam, zidili.

You were so dumb that wouldnt go with the flow home,

when I told.

Let me make you to be welcome to the world where is no bad,

there is no thing called cop,

who don?t give a fuck about nothing else but his own fucking duties. 

That thing just took me down 


Would you please, would you please help me. Jailer.

I better get out of this place n' soon. Don't know how to sleep at night.

Yeah, you say it's allright, but it's not. You know, I'm little scared yo!

Well it's a fact. Well it's a real fact.

That just about every guy in this prison hates me.

C'mon, give me the key set me free, haa! You don't have to be sorry, you just

listen my story.

I would never hurt ya, I would never touch ya, with my finger.

I will leave your family alone. I will never pull your dog's tail.

I will never come back. 

I'm not FINE! Are you ever gonna feel like me?? 

Imagine yourself in this sell, in this situat you don't care.

You don't see things now would you react, if you were me?

Would you like to be free, hey! You have got a key to the lock of my door.

Together, we can make things better. If you wanna do something good,

let me go back to the hood, with my men. Oh God! That I miss them.

I'll get back to the picture. See my homies again,

I'll be good by my nature, please mr. jailer, mr jailer whates aaa...

I'm not FINE! Are you ever gonna feel like me??

Yes, yes, yes, things're gonna be fine, when the sky is my cover, a big

yellow ball. The Sun is my lover. I take my skateboard n' my good feeling

with me, I'm heading to a place where I can get the sun on my face. I'm

leaving my house n' my mouse n' all my stuff 'cos I've had enough, yah! I

just wanna be close to the sun that's all folks. I wanna burn my skin in

the heat, I wanna be bare-footed my throat feels dry, n' I cannot speak. No

matter how much I try. Of this moment I'm learning that I'd better stay

cool to relax.

Kola with ice could be nice, come n' get it! Kola! It's a fact that I need


Wellwellwell, it's hot like hell, ya. I kick off my shoes, yeah I'll sruive

without my shoes. Back to the fact. I ain't turning back yeah. I'm looking

for a kola. I'll open up the can, can. Gonna drink it down, down. I'm in

the middle of the desert now. Go to the shop said a boy take a left from

the corner I'm gonna make a list, what I'm gonna order. How can I get to

the shop in this heat when the street under my feet is burning? Of this

moment I'm learning, that I better stay cool to avoid the burning


Make me blind.

Cover my eyes.

You can do what you want.

I?m paralyzed of the perfect mood

when we?re dancing the blindfold on.

You make it easy to love you and hate you.

I can?t explain it I feel insecure.

You say its simple: "you die just to live again"

you say we?re waiting for the last waltz.

Another you and me.

Another revolutionaly heavenly romance.

Waiting for the last waltz.

And so it seems.

We won?t find the solution.

Confusion leads the dance.

We?re waiting for the last waltz. 

praise the wine.

So divine.

And it stinks like a rose.

Allow the night to flow inside.

Open the window and let the wind blow.

Highlight of the night is the unhappy ending.

You keep refusing to answer my calls.

Drop the bending and stop the pretending.

You say: Get ready for the last waltz. 

I believe that nowone

in this world has the answers for me.

But still I hope that someone has heard 


i go liquid when you come around, and i know

i go solid but don't get me wrong, yes i go

i love to watch you when you mess around, in my mind

i'm pathetic but only this time, who knows? 

it's no more a secret

i go solid i go liquid

oh me, if it's the love that we live

oh how come i didn't know

show me an easy way out

show me an easy way out... 

forget the love'n get back on the line, with your self

try to accept the place where you belong, you belong

i like to teach you though you already know, but this time

stay in touch if you're planning to go, below 

it's no more a secret

i go solid i go liquid

oh me, if it's the love that we live

oh how come i didn't know

show me an easy way out

show me an easy way out...

too much, too fast maybe.

i dont know where my destiny's taking me.

so i'll go whererev it leads me.

too high, too low baby.

i wanna know where my destiny's taking me.

so i'll go to make you believe me.

kerto cry, cry when there's something to cry about.

cry, cry baby but don't drown in the sadness

it's madness.don't ask me to explain.

don't take away the pain.

it's impossible to save me. 

too cheap, too scary.

too creepy to marry.

too serious, too mysterious and way too deep.


it's madness. so easy to complain.

nobody left to blame. it's impossible to save me

crack in the shield, feels so unreal.

noone to blame for losing the flame.

crack in the shield. lost in the fields of sadness

it's madness


I spin around?n find myself again

with thought i'm just a man in the street

you check it out another lookalike but he's not me

i know the places know the faces

'n i know the fact that the action is to go

i'm satosfied with the tempo of the night

oh can't you see

lights are blinking and i'm thinking

that i'm sinking inti the groove of the night

you hang around with me and i'll let you know

things that we can do a place that we can go 

when the world is in her hands

everything's complete

when the world is in her hands

it's everything i need

she loves you all the same

thought balck turns to white

oh yeah she's generating love 

you don't have to answer

i'll find another dancer

a man in the street

to get your daily satisfaction

you got to be greedy

no time to settle down

no time to push myself around

i'm satisfied with the tempo of the night

oh can't you see 

(let me say) once again i've gotta feeling

that i'm dealing with the groove of the night

every move she does in generation love

it's in her vains, it's in her blood 


I have allways been different I like to be,

but every time they got something to say to me.

One day I had to be, I made a different me,

but got trouble next day I went school, you see.

Two big fellows,

which don?t much about like me put me in to the games

where I don?t wanna be.

In other words no one don?t like me there.

Sometimes I really care. Ican?t me myself.

Then one day I didn?t meet the chosen one.

I took a gun, party?s just begun.

Inside of me there still lives a part of me,

it put me back to the Earth, where I belong to be.

I get along well with this feeling in my mind.

If I should say something,

I would say nothing ?cause I?ll kiss my only friend what I?ve got,

ever had but still I can?t I can?t be myself. 

I?m gonna the way I wanna be,

nobody wanna talk with me, no 

Do I have to be or let my feeling free?

Take a look at me, the way I wanna be.

I made desicions right, my feeling came from inside,

I took a drug ride, I felt part of me died.

My life turned from that good to that very bad.

There were only me, my pipe ?n? those drugs I had.

One day I just will be, I?m gonna be real me,

I think I cannot be, I can?t be myself 

have i been away too long?

did i miss all the action?

what happened to the neightbours and the girl next door?

did you get my greetins?

what happened to the graffiti?

and what about this crap on the walls?

did i forget about someone?

no offense but i have to.

i didn t have respect for the violence.

and what about this music?

did i forget about somethig else?

when i left in silence. 

don t let the shadows reach me.

(save me from the battle.

things i can t control) 

don t let the shadow swallow the light while i m sleeping.

whatever comes to your mind just hit me.

i ts my time, my time.

the one and only lonely. 

did i win the first prize?

have i crossed enemy lines?

got stabbed in the back but i don t know why.

like walking on the eggshells.

stepping over landmines.

waiting for the open sky.

did you forget about someone?

did you forget about you and me.

and what about this envy around?

in the midlle of these changes 


You gotta be fine if you one day wanna be mine

?n? give me satisfaction twice a day, three, four, more, five.

You better, better have a body which makes me sure I?m not gay.

You gotta give me all, love me more, knock every day at my door. 

If you want me you gotta please me If you want me you gotta...

Hey, I want you to adore me again ?n? again, when I feel allright.


You gotta be hot, something like you?re not,

?n? beg me under my window twice a day, three, four, more, five.

You better, better have a body which makes me sure I?m not gay.

You gotta give me all, love me more - stop. 

Is it too much to ask? 

as you can see right now my friend i'm falling

but i'm not falling in love

as you can see right now my friend i'm crawling

'n i'm not crawlin back to you 

i'm gonna do things i wanna do

i'm gonna say things i wanna say

i'm gonna do things i wanna say


as you can see right now my friend i'm dreaming

but i'm not dreaming of you

if you really try you'll get my meaning

that i'm not coming back to you 


it?s like freedom, making somepeople jealous.

it?s like a rope between you ?n your fellows.

it?s like a web you?re stucked.

how could it be so that, somepeople don?t always know how they feel?

when you can talk to somebody who you can trust.

when you can lie to that somebody, when you must.

it?s like health, respect, because you still got one.

it is the way that i feel i?m not the only one. 


as you can see right now my friend i'm falling

but i'm not falling in love

as you can see right now my friend i'm crawling

'n i'm not crawlin back to you

i'm gonna do things i wanna do

i'm gonna say things i wanna say

i'm gonna do things i wanna say


as you can see right now my friend i'm dreaming

but i'm not dreaming of you

if you really try you'll get my meaning

that i'm not coming back to you


As you might know my father is a rich man,

his father was rich, I?m gonna be a rich man too,

oh yeah! Right now my job is to have fun,

but whatever I want, just be with my girl, it?s such fun,

you know.

I guess you don?t

'cos your daddy ain't driving a rolls royce,

n' your family ain't famous after all.

I flush my money down the toilet, if it is the best choice.

Nothing is my problem see...

I don?t have to pay my bills, right?

I don?t have to get a job.

I don't have to train my skills, right?

'cos I will never be poor.

What would you do, if you had my money?

You wouldn't go to school, you wouldn't get a job, like me.

You'd just hang around.

You would go partys where all rich people meet,

where the people are having fun, yeah,

such fun, you know.


Now we?re gonna talk about the postman,

who brings the paper in morning,

who wakes up at the night to make his job right.

With his bike driving around the city delivers papers, oh isn?t that pretty.

Seven o?clock paper every, every morning, again ?n? again,

I think it would be just boring. 

About the weather cares he never ever damn.

Like a sunny weather coming by the time is dirty water

shall be warmer than another local people and attraction will be generally empty 

to the mention between buildings turning slow...

Now we?re gonna talk about the Batman, who lives in cave with Robin,

who wakes up at the night to make his job right.

With his fellow little Robin in the city catches robbers, oh

isn?t that pretty.

Number one of the enemies is Joker who?s in the jail with his friends playing


About men cares he never ever damn.

Say hi, say hello to the Batman 


My big sister is best of all sisters in the world.

She says enjoying of the life is the main thing.

I agree with her.

She?s standing by me when I?ve got hard times,

I like about her precense.

Even if I fight with her sometimes it?s pretty easy to make friends. 

I?m sorry about all, I make apology.

I contess that I was wrong.

You have your reasons to get angry to me,

but if you won?t be I?m asking you to be my friend. 

My big sister is the foolest, dummest girl I?ve ever seen.

She is so selfish, irritating, don?t you see what I mean.

She is a target of my hate ?n? hate is growing every day.

I will get rid of her ?n? price won?t matter, I will find the way


Et oo koskaan sanonut mulle rakas


Et oo koskaan sanonut etta sa valitat


Sa tiedat etta ma tykkaan susta

[mina tykkaan sinustaa...]

Ja etta ihan millon vaan sa luokseni tulla saat 

Pom, pom, pom 

Ma luulin loytaneeni oman mussukan

Sulle korvaan kuiskasin: "Hei Rakkaimpain."

Sa sanoit mulle: "Hei Pauri ystavain.."

Katsoit silmiin ja naytit nain.


En oo koskaan sanonut sulle pahasti

Vaan hyvasti

Ei oo koskaan oikein ees riidetykkaa


Ma haluaisin olla sulle enemman Tiedathan etta sinusta valitan



I can never be the same, that I was yesterday. I'm losing my mind, I'm

loosing control. You tickled me so much, that I can never be ok. I think I

can be with a serious face no more.

Oh can't you see, that this can't go on. I'm loosing my calmness, I go

crazy oh can't you see, that tickling is killing me. I'm loosing my


No one can take me how in the way they used to take, I'm loosing my mind,

I'm loosing my reputation. You tickled me so much, that I can never be ok.

I must go oh in despite of my destination

Talking about life, what it was ?n? what it?s gonna be.

Get ready for the best time.

He?s a friend of mine born in the ?79

. ?n? there will be a day when he hears me when I say:

hey, you better be thinking about your future.

There will be a day when he hears me when I say:

you?re spoiling your life, you won?t have another.

You ain?t thinking about your friends, do you hear me brother?

I have just one thing to say to you: 

SHAME! (SHAME!) You can?t fool me,

let me show that the whole thing sucks!

SHAME! (SHAME!) You can?t rule me,

I?m saying no to the drugs! 

Living is hard, sure I know,

but yet if you listen to my rule number on,

I bet positive attitude will carry you thru your life.

Think it thru before you take your first high.

One day you are a winner, next day you?re a loser.

Don?t spoil your changes by being user.

I have just another thing to say to you:

You can?t fool me! You can?t fool me!

I?m the king of the new generation?



that you're holdinh a bomb in your hands.

take control,

hand in hand with yourself from now on.

take this advice.

aim to the skies.

aim to the skies above.

show mw what you're made of.

waiting for the answer.

tell me what you're afraid of.

show me what you're made of.


i call out in my sleep.

i can't reach you and it's killing me.

i call out in my sleep.


the sun is gone.

days go on like a storm in the sea.

and the shore is the loneliest place you can be.

stay dry instead.

a moment ahead.

aim to the skies above.

you say that you are not the same kid.

the one who used to be the weeper.

you say.

it's something deeper.

something that you could'n tame.

something that would wake this sleeper. you say


If I could be the king of this planet I would order some more.

Making rules is not the easiest part of it, that?s a thing that I know. 

Can see the mess, which has cost so much trouble.

Then I guess that it?s poison which bubbles.

I?ll say it loud, that I?m not proud about the king situation. 

Asking help from assholes with power is one way to betray.

See trashes coming double in hour. Scaring, would I say. 

Human race will be judged by the devil.

That?s the last thing I want.

To face the destiny ?n? choke in this reef.

Be crushed, you?re so weak. 

Keep laughing to the end of my world.

I know I?m feeling so small, don?t shame it at all,

with pleasure I tell you my friend.

 Keep laughing to the end of my world.

But it?s here and it?s now,

I?m gona tell you somehow,

then I won?t say even a word


you get no kick out of champagne.

things make you sick by staying the same.

so lame.

and if you know that you know everybody.

and if it seems inspiration is gone.

days when it feels like nothing can turn you on.


kerto open your eyes to the life in this small town.

how many times uoy ve been leaving? oh yeah.

and so it seems we keep coming back home.

so open your eyes to the life in this small town.


iv e always run straight to the flames.

i ve lost my face in a thousand ways. oh yeah.

still you giv a damn about my reputation.

take me as i am.

you are my family.

if you get lonely you know where you will find me.

and there is no way out

if you don t wanna talk about it.

if you don t wanna turn around.

i wanna have confidence you.


She drinks the blood of the dinosaurs

to get her powers back

to make her boyfriend understand.

That things are not what they used to be.

She doesn?t have a plan

to make her boyfriend understand.

Throught the gates of insanity

on the edge of humanity.

She?s gonna make her dreams come true.

Throught the gates of insanity

on the edge of humanity.

She?s gonna make her dreams come true.



That she belongs to someone else...jne...



She found something to die for.

Something to fight for.

Someone to show her the way.

She found someone to cry for,

someone to lie for.

Heart full of the blood oh the dinosaurs


There you come again,

I see you're having your everlasting smile on your face,

like now n' then. I cannot hide, I cannot fight, I cannot go.

You know, you know, you know, hey do you know.

That you do not have to entertain anybody,

that you do not have to entertain my cat, if you don't want that.

Yeah. It seems that you don't know

that you're twisted by your nature n' that's the reason I hate ya.

I'm gone, I can't stay another day roll in my mind,

hold my hands up in the air.

So here it comes now couple of hard words, yah, yah.

I know this hurts, but I'm so, so happy,

'cos you, oh yes, yes you do really reserve this.

Shed a tear, when you want me to stop.

So many times you have made people cry,

so many lies, why I'm asking.

I'm the one, who will say, hey got out of my way,

because you're twisted oh yes you are


I'm lost, I'm alone. I wish I had a bone.

Long n' wide white, you know, what I'm talking about.

Just a fine bite. I wish

I had a home to cover me at night, yeah.

I make a wish again, that it would be summertime, I'd be fine.

Any other time I'm fine in the morning. I can hear the winter's crawling.

I wish another time, that it would be summertime,

I can see that leaves are falling. Sophia.

I wish I had a life. Oh yes, I'm gonna fight.

Though I got fleas, you know, I wanna be a part of your life.

I wish I was fine. I'm living like a mutt.

Though I got fleas I know, I'm not wasteing my time.

Don't loose me, hey Sophia, choose me!


i can't deny the fact that you know me better than i do

it doesn't matter cause i know that you say that i'm a fool

better the best, but you only tell me that you love me

i don't give a damn (swimming with the kids)

a sunny day, i'm feeling kinda quilty

if not going out, if not going anywhere

go ahead if you wanna play dead

cause i don't give a damn (swiming with the kids)

a broken heart can be fixed with love

slow down feet of the ground,

everybody can come around

here i am in control

i know they won't let me down

slow down feet of the ground

everybody can come along

here i am i'm swimming with

here i am i'm swimming with the kids

back to the scene go mad with the groove

yo if you miss there's nothing you can do

own fault if you think too slow

cause i don't gice a damn (swimming with the kids)

so if you don't really want to leave the bed

i'll take a step back and let you play dead

i ain't sure what this song is about

but i don't give a damn

pick it up mr love is on the line

pick it up mr love is on the line

It seems that there is something,

Something I should know

But I don't want to ask you

Ask you what i'm supposed to do

You say that I don't treat you

That way I used to do before

That I am only running away

Every time when you want me to stay 

I wanna love you

Like the sailor loves the sea

I really want to but please let me be

'n' I got so much things on my mind

And you know that I can't waste any time

(end chorus) 

I wanna make you feel something

That you used to feel before 

I know we've got our problems

But fighting don't make any sense

'n' I don't think that I'm so bad

That you should be so, so sad


call me your lover

if you hang around with me tonight

i'll show you how to do

something wicked

if you don't have anything to do

you're looking pretty and you know

that we should keep going on

cause we ain't got no time to polish your nails

no time to put more make up on 

turn around and you will find me to guide you

everywhere that you go

turn around you will find me behing you

oh! yes i ain't going anywhere you know 

so if believe that loneliness is braking you

so this place is the right one where

i'm gonna take you

i've gotta feeling i know you still like him bad

tonight at the party no one's going to be sad 


I think you better run, 'cos they're coming at ya. n' what the ____ you're

gonna do when they get ya. You can choose life in the bodybag, I think you

better hide. Few little words, wrong cap in your head, can make you dead,

if you're dealing with the right thing. Few little words, wrong cap in your


I think you better run. yes. I think you better hide.

Yeah, the world is the number one place in the world of mine.

Mic is free I'm striking back again, with all my anger, with all my force

yo! You cannot walk in street, peace with your money in your pocket.

Alleycats oh yeah they're gonna knock you outm if you won't rechoose your

places, better know the faces, know where your place is at, cool down think

about that. I think you better run, yes I think you better hide.


Disaster strikes

I try to write

Describe the things I hold inside

..... keeps me distant

Disorder looms above this room

I m trapped inside this silent tomb

I?m trying to get my mind off resistance 

What ever I say, what ever I write, what ever I do,

I m not getting through

What ever I say, what ever I write, what ever I do,

I m not getting through to you 

Destruction s all

(it?) surrounds my hopes (?)

My future seems to stay unknown

All alone in need of some assistance 

What ever I say, what ever I write, what ever I do,

I m not getting through

What ever I say, what ever I write, what ever I do,

I m not getting through to you 


Here comes the fear again

Walls are closing in

Feels like I m choking


Can t find the words to say

Drowning in this pain

Smoke fills the air 

What ever I say, what ever I write, what ever I do,

I m not getting through

What ever I say, what ever I write, what ever I do,

I m not getting through to you 


Here comes the fear again

Walls are closing in

Smoke fills the air 



I've got my moments, when I feel like.

I should be doiny something else, yeah.

The voice consclence says I would deal with somebody else.

I've got my wicked moments.

I play wicked games, I like wicked things like...

I'm not the only one, who thinks, that it's funny. Yeah.

To have my moments, when I feel like..

I steel sunglasses, if the weather is sunny.


Here we go again,

we ain't gonna bend to pretend

it's a fight against the majority lipservice sucks,

you know it sucks hate inside of me is breaking me,

hurting me, killing me, burning me. 

We ARE still living we should party, yeah!

Well well you can allways tell 

Here we go again in the world of lie.

Try to please everyone by being flexible this narrow atmosphere is,

restcicting words you say hate inside of me is breaking me,

hurting me, killing me, burning me.

Well well you can allways tell

it doesn't matter whether you hate or love me